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Bill Gavin's Advice To A New Music Director
Program Notes From Bill GavinYou don’t know who he was? Gavin was one of the most important men in the music radio business. I would go so far as to say he was the most important radio music director who ever lived. Bill was into middle-age when Rock ‘n Roll hit. He was an announcer and music director at stations…
The Latest Ultimate TaggerI’ve just been tipped about this one. I regularly have M1 users who are moving from one automation system to another and then discover that their .wav files have no meta. Download the free app and point it to a folder filled with your song audio files and let it do some magic tagging for you. About the…
Talking About Radio
Radio veteran John Leslie has been talking with radio people on his podcast for about near two years now. And he’s talked with a lot of us. I was number 160! He and I did a sit-down in October (’24) for about 70 minutes. If I don’t have a script, I tend to ramble….Here’s a link to the podcast.
Links to the A.I. Toys
ElevenLabs and SunoIn my recent posts I’ve had examples of A.I. created jingles and my voice replicant. That was was made at Here is a link to the site. The jingle came from the ‘make a song about anything’ site and here is a link.I’ve not put any time into the voice generator myself, but I did toy…
The DAX system in the UK and EU
Internet Radio MonitizationI’ve been wondering why nobody’s done it before now. Well, that’s not quite right; there have been a few failed attempts. It’s always been obvious that we ought to aggregate internet streams into one big “network” for advertisers. If it costs an advertiser $25 to put his message into the ears of one thousand radio listeners in a…
Olbermann On One-to-One Communication
We have, all of us, but One listenerOutside the USA, Keith Olbermann is probably unknown. Here he is recognized as a broadcasting writing and on-air performance genius. He has worked for big time sports stations in LA and NYC. He’s worked for CNN, NBC. Cable news MSNBC was launched with his nightly newscast as the cornerstone. Two American TV series…
How Many Songs Should I Be Playing?
Mike Joseph Invented The Tight List…in 1958.The question comes to me with some regularity. How many songs does a successful music radio station have in its library. My half-joking reply is: Probably half the number of songs you are now playing. There really is no winning number. Top rated Current-Hits stations play fewer than 500. Stations going after older demos…
The Death of Radio?
That’s What the Man Said Bob Lefsetz is a bodacious blogger about all things and culture. Primarily, he is a music guy who seems to know every living person involved in the music business or else someone who does know the famous person. His blog post with that headline hit the first of the week and, of course, has gotten …
Why Today's Radio Sucks
Why Radio Plays The Same Songs Over and Over You may know of Pat Holiday’s YouTube channel. He’s a veteran program director from my generation now doing a valuable job teaching things we all used to learn by doing. From its invention in the 50’s to the end of the century, radio guys learned the craft by working with groups…
Disc Jockey Instructions, circa 1974
DJ Instructions for a CHR/Top 40 Station circa 1974