The Tool That Keeps It In Tune
Successful music radio stations play the same songs over and over. For some stations, the library is a few hundred. For others, it's a few thousand. The music director's challenge is to make it sound like the station DOESN'T play the same songs over and over.
With Music 1, the music director of the Hot Hits Station can be sure the song that plays in the 7am hour on Monday will not schedule in the 7am hour on Tuesday. The music director of the Oldies Station is confident that all the songs that play Monday morning will be scheduled in each of the other dayparts before re-scheduling again in the morning hours.
The most successful radio stations have the sound, the feel and flow of hand-curation 24/7. MusicONE is the music scheduling tool to keep it in tune.
Perfect Spins & Rotations
One common complaint about music scheduling apps is " seems to like some songs more than others. Schedules 'em too much. And these other songs hardly ever get on the playlist."
M1 does it right. If songs in the Hot Hits category are supposed to get 50 plays a week, every one get that. If the Oldies are set to play in all dayparts before repeating in any daypart, M1 makes it happen.
No Song Clustering
When some songs consistently over-schedules near the same time of day, that's clustering. It's a bad thing. It mean the station: "....plays the same songs too much." With M1, you design perfect rotation patterns for each song category. MusicONE then delivers equal and balanced play across all the hours and dayparts just as as you planned it for every song in each category.
Radio’s Quickest Scheduler
Music 1 users now average less than five minutes scheduling and editing each day's music log. That's 5 minutes to a seamless music and content schedule. No rule violations. No unscheduled slots. Perfect spin counts. Ideal song placement. M1 delivers music radio’s most reliably consistent song library rotations.
Music 1 was designed by Steve Warren, one of American radio’s most experienced music programming pros. The innovative algorithms smoothly handle the complex needs of modern radio content scheduling. Music radio veterans are surprised that M1’ s simplicity can do what it does. Radio novices launching LPFM, DAB and Internet stations master MusicONE quickly. The current release is the 7th generation of the software. It now has a twenty-five year track record of excellent service and support for radio stations large and small world-wide.
Music 1 Schedules It All
M1 schedules everything. In addition to delivering perfect song rotations and music flow, it also schedules the Liners, Voice Tracks, Promos, Jingles, Spot Breaks, Short- and Long-form programs and Syndicated shows. The only thing it does not schedule is the commercials. But, we have TrafficONE for that task. (..and M1 syncs smoothly with other traffic/billing apps, too.)
Works with All Radio Automation Systems
From AudioVault and Avra to Zeta, Zara and Zenon, Music 1 works with all of the radio world's digital automation and playout systems. Each one of them needs a playlist file that conforms to its own special needs. Music 1 has custom-built and system-specific playlist/log file outputs for the one you are using now. And, for any new one your station might acquire in the future.
TrafficONE Radio Advertising Scheduling and Billing Software
The quickest and easiest music scheduling software algorithm gave birth to radio’s quickest and easiest traffic and billing software. See how simple order-entry is in this video.
TrafficONE is an optional add-on to MusicONE, or it can be ordered as a stand-alone software.
TrafficONE - A Quick Look
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Music 1 Professional is feature rich.
Delivers system-specific playlist files for all of radio's automation/playout systems.
Music 1 SE is the Special Edition for Internet-only stations.
Music 1 Pro is a subscription-licensed software.
Monthly fee includes superior personal support.
Upgrades as they are released and related services.
Music 1 SE is a buy-out
Choose the MusicONE For You?
For An Extended List Of Music 1 Capabilities
Music 1 Pro Vs Music 1 SE
MusicONE Feature Details
Traffic & Billing
Music 1 Pro can import advertising schedules from traffic/billing software and deliver a fully merged log file to the automation/playout system. It also has TrafficONE, our own built-in Traffic/Billing module. It is the first do-it-all scheduling and content tool in broadcast radio.
Audio-Track Linking
This is a boon for totally automated stations, including internet streamers who want a lively, ever-changing feel to their programming. You can pre-record a number of intros and backsells to any of your songs. When songs with linked tracks are scheduled, each time a different intro (or backsell) can be automatically scheduled next to the song. What’s more, voice tracks can be dayparted-by-announcer. So, the ‘voice’ of the morning show will only be scheduled in mornings, tracks recorded by the mid-day voice will only be schedule in that time slot.
Click-to-Play Song Auditioning
If you have ripped your song library into your desktop computer, with Music 1 Pro, you can click-and-play any of the audio files either while scheduling or while looking at a Song Card. This function does not conflict with the built-in interface for your digital automation system.
Theme Scheduling
There’s a slick way to do special days, special plays, special hours. You can create any number of “Selection” categories that contain songs from your regular categories, then schedule and rotate the Selection categories like all the other categories. Essentially, this lets you have songs scheduling from within two different categories. In addition, you can add a custom ‘selection’ slot to any Format clock. So, you can do automatic theme scheduling based on all sorts of criteria: songs with the same sound code, songs of selected tempos, songs of a certain length, songs from a selected hit year.
Undo Functionality
As you edit schedules, update format clocks, make category changes and do just about anything within Music 1 Pro, if you make a mistake or want to re-trace your steps there are 20 levels of undo.
Edit Schedules In Log or Clock View
Music 1 Pro was designed for interactive scheduling when viewing Format Clocks. You can click and drag all elements around the clocks from one position to another. Or, switch to a ‘log view’ and see the units in the hour in a vertical text list.
Double Shots & Triple Plays
There are now three ways to do this, from fully automatic to interactive. Music 1 Pro can automatically find and schedule two-or-more in a row by the same artist.
Schedule “Open” Slots
If you want, you can schedule open slots or gaps on Format clocks with Music 1 Pro. Maybe you want to drop in a 15 or 20 second “empty space” here and there to allow for announcer talk, etc. To do the same thing with Music 1 LE, you must create “non-music” items of the desired length, then add them to the format clocks.
More Song Card Options & Characteristic
Music 1 Pro allows up to 30 user-defined Sound Codes so you can further define and control music flow with Mood, Texture and Musical Key characteristics. It also has three Tempo characteristics for songs so you can code a song that has a Medium Slow intro, an over all Medium tempo and a Medium Slow close, if you wish.
Song Card Notes
In Music 1 Pro, you can add Song Notes to every song card, then have the notes included in your music log. It also has the expanded function of multiple notes. You could add any number of Song Notes to any song card and have them rotate and schedule a different note each time the song is played. These notes can also have beginning and end dates.
Song “Type” Separation Rules
In Music 1 Pro you can limit the number of songs with specific characteristics that can play in an hour. For example, you allow no more than 4 Slow songs in the hour and and you can prevent them from scheduling back-to-back. You will also have the additional ‘spread’ function which can direct Music 1 to spread the Slow songs evenly through the hour, making sure there are at least X-number of minutes between Slows. This kind of thing can be done with Sound Codes, Tempos, Genders, Mood, Texture and Key
More Song Rotation History
You can call up a Rotation Grid would shows every hour where a song has played in the previous two weeks. This grid can be scrolled back to song placement in previous weeks/month or even years. It keeps data about Total Plays, Date Added, Plays-Per-Category and can print any and all kinds of song and library reports which might be needed.
Separation Of Non-Music Items
Music 1 Pro has optional user-defined “Product Code” characteristics which can have their own separation rules. So, if you had two PSAs running and both were about fund-raising, you could make sure no more than one PSA about fund-raising is scheduled in an hour. These can also be day parted and have other format rules similar to those used with Song Cards.
Percentage Rotation of Non-Music Items
Say you have a “Promo” category with five different promos. With either version of Music 1, the promos can be day parted, so you could direct Promo A to play only in morning hours, if need be. All five promos would rotate in the morning hours. In other dayparts, only the other four non-dayparted promos would be scheduled. Music 1 Pro has the added feature of “Percentage” rotations. With that, you could Tell Promo B to schedule 40% of the time, Promo C to schedule 30% of the time, and so on.
Start/End Dates for Non-Music Items
All units in a non-music category will be scheduled in daily rotation with additional function with which you can add units to a non-music category but give each one a start and end date. They can be added to the category immediately, but will only schedule in the time-window you specify.
Advanced Song Search
You can search for songs using many additional characteristics: including length, tempo, hit date, album title, chart position, dayparting, sound codes, machine location, library location.
Print from Song-Search
Previously, if you needed to print a list of songs, you’d go to Reports and select a category list. Music 1 Pro allows any found-song-set to be printed directly from the Song Search window and the songs can be printed using any of your song report formats.
Music 1 Pro Vs Music 1 SE
Music 1 Pro | Music 1 SE | |
Clocks | No limit | Maximum of 10 |
DayFormats | No limit A DayFormat is a clock lineup, where you tell Music 1 which clock to use in each hour of the day and week. Most stations use three, one for Weekdays others for Saturday and Sunday. | One If there are program-specific clocks that need to be used, they can be clicked into the proper hour slot just before scheduling the new day. |
Categories | No Limit | 40 |
Library Size | No Limit to the number of songs in library/database. | No Limit |
Hybrid Scheduling | A combination Music 1’s interactive scheduling/editing system and “automatic” scheduling in which the software is allowed to break formatting rules when necessary. The hybrid algorithm is useful for music directors who must schedule and edit the daily playlists for many stations. | Not Available |
Advertising Schedule Importing | Music 1 Pro can either a) put a Spot Break ‘marker’ into the playlist file to enable the automation system to correctly merge the advert and music schedules. Or, b) It can import the ad schedule into the Music 1 schedule and then send a fully merged log file to playout. | None |
Traffic 1Traffic & Billing Module | Traffic 1 is the Music 1 company’s traffic and billing software. It is an optional that can be included in the music database for a one-app-does-all, or Traffic 1 can be a stand-alone installation. Stations with syndicated formats have no need for music scheduling and use only Traffic 1 for their Advert scheduling and accounting. | Not included. |
More Sound Codes | 30 Sound Codes are user-defined ‘types’ that can be applied to songs. For example, and Oldies station might have a ‘disco” Sound Code. The music director could then limit the number of Disco songs allowed in an hour; or could prevent Disco songs from scheduling next to Blues songs. | 8 Sound Codes are not necessarily the same thing as Genre, though they can be if you so choose. Sound Codes are generally applied to songs that are a minority of the total library, only to those types that might need some special controls; such as novelty songs or very long songs. |
Built-In Auditioning Player Extension | Yes, when working with Music 1 you can click-and-hear the songs in your library. This is contained within Music 1 itself, it does not interfere with your automation/playout system. | Yes |
Day-parting/Hour Restrictions | Songs and non-music units can easily be prevented from scheduling at certain times of the day. One might prevent very ‘loud’ songs from scheduling overnight. A Promo category might contain a dozen promos, some promos for morning-only and others for afternoon-only play. All of them can be placed into the one Category and Music 1 will schedule the proper ones at the proper time of day. | Not available |
Daily Voice Tracks | Can be scheduled in numerous ways, conforming to the needs of the automation/playout system being used. The dating and naming of daily voice tracks can be customized. | Can schedule slots for Daily VT positions, but customization is limited. There are work-around functions for this in some playout systems. |
Linked Tracks | Voice tracks, jingles, Artist IDs and other audio types can be linked to Songs. When the song schedules, a Linked track can be auto-scheduled either directly before or immediately after the song. | Not Available |
Automation Interface | Music 1 Pro makes the proper playlist file-type for every known automation/playout system in the radio world. | Music 1 SE makes proper playlist file-types for the most widely used playout systems in internet radio. |
Defined "Announcers" | Up to ten Announcers can be named. Voice tracks or any material recorded by an Announcer may then be restricted to schedule in approved hours only. And/or tracks recorded by an announcer may be prevented from scheduling back to back. | Not Available |
Theme Programming | Themes are such things as weekly Top Hits countdown shows, Artist “special shows” such as a Classic Rock station that features an “All Stones Hour” each week. This is accomplished with the Selection Category function that allows songs to be in two separate rotation categories at the same time. | Not Available |
Specific Track Scheduling | With this priority clock item, any audio track may be commanded to always schedule at a specific time. This can be done with both music and non-music items. | Not Available |
Gender/Tempo/Sound Code Flow Controls | Includes all functions available in the SE version. Additionally these song characteristics may be time-separated. For example, in addition to preventing Slow songs from scheduling back to back, you may direct that there must be at least ten minutes of other content between Slow songs. | With these characteristics, songs may be prevented from scheduling back to back, or may be allowed to schedule no more than X-number in a row. You may limit the number of songs with each characteristic to be allowed in an hour. For example, you may allow no more than 5 Slow songs in an hour. You might allow 3 Fast songs to play in a row, but no more than than that. You may prevent a song with “this” sound code from scheduling next to a song with “that” sound code. |
Non-music Transitions | Segue rules can be applied to non-music items. So, you can order only Fast Jingles to be scheduled next to Fast songs and Slow jingles next to Slow ones. You might choose to prevent a certain promo from scheduling next to a certain type of song. | Not Available |
Percentage Rotation of Non-music Tracks | The items within a Non-music category may be scheduled by percentage. Example: The station has three Contest Promos in rotation. Promo A can be directed to receive 50% of the total number plays: Promo B to receive 30% and Promo C to receive 20% exposure. | Not Available |
Product/Class Characteristic for Non-music Tracks | Products are like Sound Codes for non-music units. A station might be scheduling fund raising announcements for three different civic groups. A Fund Raising “Product” can be assigned to them. Then, Music 1 can be directed to allow only one Fund Raising announcement on one break. | Not Available |
Start/End Dates for Non-music Items | All non-music units may be end-dated. So, if a station records ten announcement for a month-long promo, all ten may be inserted into the Category. Music 1 will observe the start and end dates for each item. Additionally, non-music items may have start/end hours. | Not Available |
Now, all this said, Music 1 SE is still one of the most advanced scheduling tools in the world, and it's low price makes it one of the best and most economical investments a webcaster can make. If you start with SE and later decide to move up to the more advanced Pro edition, upgrading is quick and easy.