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The Listenership Evolves
- As always, heavy listeners seek “companionship”.
- Once again, audio ads are more likely to put customers in the store than ads in any other medium.
- The report is that streaming listeners now spend 46% less time with AM/FM than in the previous year.
- Light listeners seek entertainment and new music.
- Heavy listeners are voracious, spending far more time listening via their devices than do light listeners.
- For a music station, “companionship” means something beyond the right music mix. Having a live (or a very live-sounding) person hosting the broadcast may be the single most-important element for distinguishing a station in a listener’s mind and life. Radio sorely needs real disc-jockeys again. People that spin records, talk frequently but don’t talk “too much”. For an example of what “too much” means, listen to just about any nationally syndicated morning show.
- Every such research study on the subject of media messaging that I’ve read since the beginning of my radio career way back in the last century reports it: Radio is the most effective and cost-efficient advertising medium.
- Here’s one that may be somewhat misleading as we aren’t told what “less time” is. I’ve seen another study that found younger people who listen to their local radio station on their device do not self-identify as a broadcast listener. Instead they say “I listen to (the station) stream on my phone.” There is no argument that AM/FM listenership has declined, but if this study doesn’t take that into consideration (it’s not obvious that it does), then the figure here means next to nothing.
- Light listeners seeking ‘new music’ have a gazillion sources for that, so our radio station needs to focus on how to be entertaining.
- Heavy listenership as defined in this study seems a useless data-point for a music radio producer because podcast listeners are included in the measurement.