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Radio Drops #15 - Picking the Hits; Early Lessons

It used to be a lot easier.

When yours was the only Top 40, or only Country, or only R & B station in town, you could afford to make a lot of mistakes.  The mistakes being:  Playing stiffs.  Non-Hit songs.  The songs that cause some listeners to switch stations.  If yours was the only station in town with your music format, you took comfort in knowing that the listener would be coming back pretty soon, just as soon as that other station played a crap song.  

The game has totally changed now. Seemingly all the music ever made is available for our ears everywhere all the time. Today, to be a successful "Today's Hits" station and attracting a young demographic group of listeners, you need to be really, really good at selecting the new songs that you add into your library.

This is the first of two Drops on this topic.  #16 is also posted.