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Importing Library Data From Audio Tags and Text Files

Naturally, to get your library data imported into M1, you don’t want to type in the information about each and every song, ID, jingle, promo, program or liner. There are various ways to get the data. Broadcast stations that switch to Music 1 usually export their song library data to a text file that comes from either the station’s previous music scheduler or from their automation/playout system. Internet stations primarily used .mp3 files and those have meta-data that M1 can read and import.

This page contains videos about the different ways to import and the different types of files that M1 and read. If you want to try to import your library info into M1 yourself, watch the one about the type of file you have to import. But keep in mind: Importing data from text files can be a little tricky. Even with these instructional videos, it is easy to make a mistake.  We are happy to do this job for you. No cost. Just send your data file to us at the M1 office. We’ll do the import and sent a ready-to-go Music 1 library file back to you.

If yours is a broadcast station, we WANT to do the import for you so we can do some additional set up in advance.

If yours is an internet station, you’ll probably have one of the playout systems that uses mp3 audio files. M1 can import meta-data (Title, Artist, Song Length, etc.) directly from the audio files themselves or from a special type of library .csv file that many of those players can export.

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