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Clocks, Clock Rules, DayFormats, Dayparts

Creating New Fomat Clocks 

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Format Clock Items 
There are different types of units that can be added to clocks.  This video talks about these items and what can be done with each of them.

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Spot Breaks

Spot Break units can be used in one of two ways; 1) they can send “merge points/markers” to the automation system, helping them to properly merge the music and advert schedules; 2) they can allow M1 itself to import the traffic log and merge the commercials into the M1 editor which can then deliver a fully merged log file to the playout system.

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Moving and Changing Items On Format Clocks

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Clock Rules – Part 1 

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Clock Rules – Part 2 

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Clock Rules – Part 3

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Clock Rules – Part 4  Double-Shots

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Clock Rules – Run vs Separation

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Clocks to Dayformats

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A Dayformat is a simple grid with one slot for each of the 24 hours of the day. You click into each slot the clock you want to use for that hour. Most broadcast stations use three Dayformats, one for Weekdays, another for Saturday and for Sunday. Some stations have a specific Dayformat for each day of the week. (Note 1: The SE version has only one Dayformat, named the Hour Clock Lineup)

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Defining Dayparts 
Dayparts are specific times of the day. These are user-defined. Typically they have been: Morning, MidDay, Afternoon, Evening and Overnight. When Dayparts have been installed, it becomes easier to ‘hour restrict’ songs, preventing certain songs from being scheduled at certain times of the day.  (You can also do that without defining dayparts.) And, you can install formatting rules instructing M1 to not schedule a song again at the same time of day until it has scheduled in 1 or more other dayparts.

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