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TrafficONE – Agency Billing

I’m really not totally understanding how the agency commission works in adding to an order, any invoice produced doesn’t seem to reflect any commission!?!
From our perspective, If I raise an invoice on the billing system, I’d like the invoice to show a deduction of, for example 12%, cause that’s the ad I’m currently running an invoice for with an agency commission. However the invoice doesn’t show this.

–Look at the Billing Type you have selected for the order.  The default is Gross which is probably what it is set to.

In the case of Gross the commission doesn’t show up on the invoice but rather appears as a payable to the agency account in the Payables list.

In the case of Net the agency commission amount is shown on the invoice and the balance due shows the gross amount billed minus the commission.

It sounds like you want to select Net billing on each of your orders.  I could make that the default if you want.–Neil

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