“When scheduling today, I noticed one of the songs in the selections list had a ‘last played’ date of the 15th of the month. But when I opened that song card and looked at the song’s rotation chart, it showed no play on the 15th. On the grid, the last play was the 10th?” You… Continue reading My “Last Played” Data Isn’t The Same As the Song Rotation Chart
Can I do a search in a category for titles from specific years and place them someplace to be able to put them into a clock? I’m thinking of running shows for specific years occasionally. Is this show going to be something run full time…like with an hour or so of nothing but 70’s? or… Continue reading Can I Search For Songs From A Specific Year?
While scheduling, I’d like to find some songs that were hits from ’81 to ’88. How do I do that?
I’ve talked about this before, there’s another post on the blog about it. But the question was asked by a M1 user again this week and the answer bears repeating.All the plays of songs ‘count’ as far as history and spin-counts are concerned. If a song is scheduled five times in a month by M1… Continue reading Counting "Song From Search" Plays
I’ve got some Artist Drops; voice tracks about specific artists that I want to drop into the schedule next to songs by Artists. How can I best do that? In the Professional Edition of Version 7, this type thing can be done automatically with the Links function. Since you’re using the SE version, here are… Continue reading What’s the Easiest Way to Manually schedule some Artist “Drops”?
We have a lot of violations in the categories with more songs (the last ones), and I can understand why, but I don’t understand one thing: why M1 only searches a song with no violations in the first 20 positions of the stack instead of searching in the whole category? …….because if it could search… Continue reading Why Doesn’t M1 Search the Entire Category to Find A Song That Won’t Violate One of My Formatting Rules?
One of the founding principles and goals of M1 has been to deliver absolutely consistent and reliable song rotations. A long constant complaint with first generation schedulers (the Selector model) has been that “some songs in the category play way more often than other songs in the same category and others play a lot less”… Continue reading Scheduling With A “Search”
I want to create a non-music category….audio-wise I have specific artist intros and stagers. I would schedule these manually once I get the music log done for a few specific artists each hour. So far, no problem. But what I’d like to do, when I’m in the log edit screen and inserting, is to be… Continue reading How do I insert a specific non-music thing?