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Logs – Delete and Reschedule

Delete a single schedule, or delete many with a few clicks

You may have scheduled through next Monday the 11th when you have last minute need to re-schedule Friday the 8th.  To do that, you can just click/select that Log date and hit the delete key on the keyboard. You can then reschedule that date. 

However, if you do that be aware of this:  You will be scheduling the "new" log for Friday the 8th with all of the category cards stacked up to schedule Tuesday, the 12th.  So, the Oldies that scheduled on Thursday the 7th and should naturally be rescheduling Tuesday will drop into the "new" Friday the 8th.  This is a problem only if that one-day rotation inconsistency bothers you. If it does, you should delete the logs in reverse, one by one.

Delete the logs for Monday, then Sunday, then Saturday, then Friday.  That will take ten seconds or so. This way doesn't just delete the logs, it un-schedules and re-sets the category stacks to where they were just before that date was run. So, if "Havana" scheduled at 6:15a on the 8th and you un-schedule/delete the 11th, then 10th, 9th and 8th and you then reschedule the 8th, "Havana" will most likely be there at 6:15a.  There will be some differences, of course; you will be rescheduling for a reason. Say you needed to reschedule because you want to get a new song into Hot rotation for the weekend.  That new add might affect a few songs; like an Artist separation rule might have "Havana" scheduling in the 7a hour instead of 6a.  But done this way, you can delete and rerun logs while maintaining consistent rotation positioning on everything.

If you want to delete a large number of old schedules, you can delete the log files for those dates from within the Log folder. Here's a short video showing both ways.

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