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Converting Tracks to the Other Card Type

When M1 imports, a few things happen. First it checks to see if there is other card in the library with the same Cart data. If so, it doesn’t make a new card for that number, but will update data on the card. For example, if the Card in M1 does not have an album title, but the data file being imported has the same song (title + artist + cart data) then M1 will update the card and add the album title. other fields that might be updated are genre and BPM.

When importing NEW data and making a card for it…it does some parsing. any audio file that is 60 seconds or less will be imported onto a Non-Music card. any audio file that has nothing in the Artist field in the meta-data will be imported onto a Non-Music card no matter how long it may be.
Anything that gets imported onto the wrong type of card can be “converted” to be a card of the proper type. to do that, you select the song card then open the menu Track>Convert




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