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Help Me With My Rotations

I’ve looked at some of my category rotatin prediction charts and some of mine suck – we’re talking lines straight down with no diagonal period.  Yikes!  So generally speaking, which is better for rotaion correction?

Use Flip only in the most rare of circumstances. Example: you have a Power Current category with 4 songs in it and you schedule 1 an hour 24-hours a day. The same song(s) would come up in same hour every day….you don’t want 3 songs in the category, you don’t want 5…you absolutely want 4, no more, no less. But 4 gives a terrible rotation…so, you tell M1 to Flip 1. Each time it loads a new/empty log to schedule it flips the song in Power Current that’s at the top of the stack. It starts Monday with song #1, Tuesday with song #2, Wednesday with song #3.

The best thing to do, always, is to set-up your Categories with a proper and acceptable ‘natural’ rotation pattern. Here’s a video about doing that:

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