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StationPlaylist Creator Setup

Music 1 has one output for StationPlaylist Studio and another for StationPlaylist Creator.  Creator is the system’s own scheduler, but many SPS users get Music 1 because of the more advanced functionality and flexibility of our software.

The output for SPS is simpler; it’s just a basic .m3u-type playlist file but is delivered to SPS specially prepared in twenty-four individual hourly lists for each day. The output for Creator is more complex and allows you to add such things as hard- and soft-sync commands for time updates, network joins, etc.

With SPS, you tell the system where the M1-created playlists will be (the drivefolder) and tell it to “automate”.  After that, you just make your daily schedules with M1 and save them. Each night at midnight, SPS loads and launches the next day’s schedule.

With Creator, there is some set-up involved (details below). After you’ve got it prepared, you’ll make the daily schedules with M1, then manually import them into Creator and save them individually.  It is an extra daily step (you can do many days in advance, of course), but it’s not much trouble and only a few extra ‘click’s.

SPS - Remove Sync Codes 1

SPS - Remove Sync Codes 2
SPS Automation Folder Selection


SPS - Creator Tools Menu
SPS - Creator Importer Settings
SPS - Creator Log Foilder Settings
SPS- Creator Import Date Selection
SPS - Creator Importer Command

SPS - Creator After Import View

SPS - Creator Append External Playlist
SPS - Creator Select Playlist
SPS - Creator Click To Automate

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