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Artist Separation Setting

Don't set it wider than is possible

The easiest rule to make a mistake with is the Artist Separation time. If a Pop music station is scheduling each of the current Top Ten Hits with a 2 hour/30 minute rotation, the each of those will get 9 plays a day. A two-hour Artist separation would not be possible. Keep in mind that each time a song is scheduled, it would create a 4-hour roadblock where no other song by the Artist could be scheduled; that is 2 hours before this play-slot and 2 hours after.  So, if there be any songs by one of the Top 10 artists in any other category, there would then be no slot where those could schedule without violating that broad separation rule.  The video below shows how to set Artist Separation times.  It runs 2:47.

Click here to read more about Artist Separation.


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