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Stagers Linked To Selected Songs
Stagers Linked to Some, Not All Songs In A CategoryLinking Promos, Stagers and other tracks to schedule before certain songs or types of songs has been covered in some other videos on the site. The question about the topic came up again this week and here’s the new video about it. It runs 3:37
Same Artist Comes Up Too Much
Packeting and PlatooningAn Artist separation problem is the first scheduling problem most people encounter when they get MusicOne. Or any other scheduler, for that matter. When an Artist is giving you problems, the first thing to do is to go to the Artists tab and run a Computed Separation on the singer. See what is possible for the artist and…
Scheduling Stops On Same Song...a quick hack
It happens to us all…Everybody runs into this at one time or another….M1 starts giving editing stops during the scheduling run with the Same Song showing up as the culprit. That one can usually be fixed by simply moving the song UP in rank order within its category.Here’s a video demonstration. It runs 2:27