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How to Back-up M1 and T1
Do This RegularlyYou may have noticed the “backup” button has been removed from the start-up screen. The function was giving us problems when the datbase(s) we kept on servers instead of local machines. Also, all smart operators have server data backup systems in place anyway. I’ve always thought it was just as easy to simply copy the M1/T1 databases to…
Delete and Re-schedule Logs
There will come a time when you need to do this.You may have scheduled through next Monday the 11th when you have last minute need to re-schedule Friday the 8th. To do that, you can just click/select that Log date and hit the delete key on the keyboard. You can then reschedule that date. However, if you do that be aware…
Keeping Safe From Ransomware
Enabling the Russian language on the computer may protect it from ransomware attacks.
MusicONE Backup
Backup and Moving MusicONE or TrafficONE to a New Computer You should make it a practice to backup your MusicONE and/or TrafficONE database at least once a week. It is simple. Just copy the (station).m1 database file to some other media; to a flash drive, and external drive or the cloud drive of your choice. You could also email it…