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Artist Separation

More Trouble Than It Need Be

Today's world.  The label says the song is a duet by This Singer and That Singer featuring Third Singer. The question comes to me regularly: How do I add separation for the Third Artist. Back in my consulting days, people have paid me money for this advice:  Artist separation of more than an hour is only a minor concern for us because it is unimportant to listeners.

I do want separation on Sting and Police because the voice is instantly recognized to the majority of listeners.  I'm not so concerned with Phil Collins and Genesis because Phil's Genesis voice is not as much of a aural 'thumbprint' as his Solo voice.  Police is always Sting.  If Police and Sting come up in the same hour asking for an edit, I may often schedule them both and then move them next to each other for a double-shot; ear-treat, like a mini-concert.  On some, not all, Genesis songs I may put Phil as Artist2. If the song comes close to a Phil solo, I'll decide on the edit.

As today's singers' habit of having three names on the label is fun for them, the question is: Which of the two supporting voices are widely recognizable?  If one voice is Sting and the over voice is Pink, then Artist2 should be Sting and I'd not care about Pink.
