
This is everything, gang. The first post on this blog was 13/May, 2009. The sole purpose of the MusicONE blog is to dispense information, training and useful tips about the music scheduler. You can usually find an article or video with an answer to your question by typing a word or two into the Search field. But if you scan down the page, you may find some things M1 does that you didn't know about.

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· Radio Stuff

Bill Gavin's Advice To A New Music Director

Program Notes From Bill GavinYou don’t know who he was?  Gavin was one of the most important men in the music radio business.  I would go so far as to say he was the most important radio music director who ever lived. Bill was into middle-age when Rock ‘n Roll hit. He was an announcer and music director at stations…

Steve Warren

· Radio Drops

Critique - the All A.I. Radio Station

What does an old pro have to say about how an AI does radio?For the middle third of my career, I was an independant radio programming consultant.  Managers and owners hired guys like me to improve the sound and the ratings of their radio stations. One of the things I did was to prepare written critiques of my client station. …

Steve Warren

· Radio Drops

Radio Drops #17 - Positioning

Positioning – The Battle For Your MindMusic radio is a self-taught craft. To be more successful, read all you can find about media. “Positioning – The Battle For Your Mind” was published in the early 80s. It has a big influence on the thinking of radio program directors at the time.  It’s simple lessons can still inspire new ideas about…

Steve Warren

· Radio Drops

Radio Drops #16 - Selecting New Music

For CHR and Other Today’s Hits Radio StationsThe fact is new and unfamiliar songs are the number one reason listeners switch stations.  This is particularly true with teen-to-thirty-year olds, who also are the most eager consumers of new music. These folks like new music a lot.  But they only like the new music that they Like!  The thing they like the…

Steve Warren

· Radio Drops

Radio Drops #15 - Picking the Hits; Early Lessons

It used to be a lot easier.When yours was the only Top 40, or only Country, or only R & B station in town, you could afford to make a lot of mistakes.  The mistakes being:  Playing stiffs.  Non-Hit songs.  The songs that cause some listeners to switch stations.  If yours was the only station in town with your music…

Steve Warren