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· Radio Stuff

Bill Gavin's Advice To A New Music Director

Program Notes From Bill GavinYou don’t know who he was?  Gavin was one of the most important men in the music radio business.  I would go so far as to say he was the most important radio music director who ever lived. Bill was into middle-age when Rock ‘n Roll hit. He was an announcer and music director at stations…

Steve Warren

· Radio Drops

Critique - the All A.I. Radio Station

What does an old pro have to say about how an AI does radio?For the middle third of my career, I was an independant radio programming consultant.  Managers and owners hired guys like me to improve the sound and the ratings of their radio stations. One of the things I did was to prepare written critiques of my client station. …

Steve Warren

· Radio Drops

Radio Drops #17 - Positioning

Positioning – The Battle For Your MindMusic radio is a self-taught craft. To be more successful, read all you can find about media. “Positioning – The Battle For Your Mind” was published in the early 80s. It has a big influence on the thinking of radio program directors at the time.  It’s simple lessons can still inspire new ideas about…

Steve Warren